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Hi, I am Albert, an always inspired and experienced Frontend developer with a track record of using JavaScript and its frameworks to help businesses build and manage stronger code bases.

👨‍💻 About me:

  • 🔭 I’m working as a Frontend Developer, contributing web and sometimes mobile.
  • 🌱 I am also coaching junior developers who are just starting in their careers. As the leader of the Frontend Development team.
  • ⚡ In my free time, I read tech articles and I adore developing pet projects with different technologies.
  • 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn X

💻 Languages, Frameworks and Libraries :

HTML  CSS  Javascript  Typescript  Nodejs  GraphQL 
React  React Native  Nextjs  Redux   Recoil   Vue  Nuxt  Vuex  Pinia  Apollo Client  Jest  React Testing Library  Vitest  Webpack  Vite 
Material UI  Ant design  Vuetify  Tailwind  Bootstrap  Sass  Less  Framer Motion 
Express  MongoDB  Mongoose  REST API  Docker  Docker Compose  Nginx 

🛠️ Tools :

vscode  PHPStorm  WebStorm  Git  Firebase  Filezilla  Figma  Ubuntu  Postman 
npm  yarn  ssh 

💡 Keen on :

AWS  Solidity Ethereum Hardhat Ethers.js Alchemy

📊 Github stats:

Albert Arakelyan's github stats

Albert Arakelyan My Portfolio Website: