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complexitypython.txt Python的一些常规操作的复杂度统计 URL




ID Difficulty Title Python C++ Blog
1 Easy Two Sum Python no 思路讲解
11 Medium Container With Most Water Python C++ 思路讲解

Linked List(链表)

ID Difficulty Title Python C++ Blog
21 Easy Merge Two Sorted Lists Python C++ 博客思路讲解
83 * Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Python C++ 博客思路讲解
141 * Linked List Cycle Python C++ 博客思路讲解
160 * Intersection of Two Linked Lists Python C++ 博客思路讲解
203 * Remove Linked List Elements no C++ no
206 * Reverse Linked List Python C-迭代 C-递归 博客思路讲解
234 * Palindrome Linked List Python C++ 博客思路讲解
237 Easy Delete Node in a Linked List Python C no
2 Medium Add Two Numbers Python C++ 思路讲解
61 Medium Rotate Python C++ 博客思路讲解


ID Difficulty Title Python C++ Blog
20 Easy Valid Parentheses no C++ 博客思路讲解
155 * Min Stack no C++ 博客思路讲解
255 * Implement Stack using Queues no C++ 博客思路讲解
232 * Implement Queue using Stacks no C++ 博客思路讲解
496 Easy Next Greater Element I no C++ 博客思路讲解
150 Medium Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation no C++ 博客思路讲解


ID Difficulty Title Python C++ Blog
13 Easy Roman to Integer Python no 思路讲解
14 * Longest Common Prefix Python no 思路讲解
28 * Implement strStr Python no 思路讲解
38 * Count and Say Python no 思路讲解
125 * Valid Palindrome Python no 思路讲解
150 * Add Binary Python C++ 博客思路讲解
344 * Reverse String Python C++ 博客思路讲解
345 * Reverse Vowels of a String Python no 博客思路讲解
383 * Ransom Note Python no 思路讲解
434 * Number of Segments in a String Python C++ 博客思路讲解
520 * Detect Capital Python C++ 博客思路讲解
521 * Longest Uncommon Subsequence I Python no no
541 * Reverse String II Python C++ 博客思路讲解
551 * Student Attendance Record I Python no no
557 * Reverse Words in a String III Python C++ 博客思路讲解
657 Easy Judge Route Circle Python no no
3 Medium Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Python no 思路讲解
5 * Longest Palindromic Substring Python no 思路讲解
17 * Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Python no 思路讲解
22 * Generate Parentheses Python no 思路讲解
43 * Multiply Strings Python no 思路讲解
609 Medium Find Duplicate File in System Python no 思路讲解


ID Difficulty Title Python C++ Blog
111 Easy Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Py-1 Py-2 C++ 博客思路讲解
112 * Path Sum Py-1 Py-2 C++ 博客思路讲解
235 * Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Py-1 Py-2 C++ 博客思路讲解
501 * Find Mode in Binary Search Tree Python C++ 博客思路讲解
543 * Diameter of Binary Tree Python C++ no
606 Easy Construct String from Binary Tree Python C++ no
113 Medium Path Sum II Python no no

Hash Table(哈希表)

ID Difficulty Title Python C++ Blog
290 Easy Word Pattern.mde Python no 思路讲解











