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Provider Version Action

This action calculates the version to be used during a Pulumi provider build.

The calculated version is always valid semver 2.0.0 – with no leading "v".


- uses: pulumi/provider-version-action@v1
    # Optional name of the environment variable to set with the calculated version, for example: PROVIDER_VERSION
    # Defaults to empty which results in no environment variable being set.
    set-env: ''


Name Description Example
version The calculated version for the current build 1.3.0-alpha.1577836800+699a10d


Environment Variable

Set the PROVIDER_VERSION environment variable for use in any subsequent steps within the current job:

- uses: pulumi/provider-version-action@v1
- name: Print version
  run: echo "${PROVIDER_VERSION}"

Step Output

Access the calculated version via the step's output:

- id: version
  uses: pulumi/provider-version-action@v1
- name: Print version
  run: echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}"

Standalone Job

Calculate the version once in a standalone job for all other jobs to reference:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - id: version
      uses: pulumi/provider-version-action@v1
      version: ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: version
    - name: Print version
      run: echo "${{ needs.version.outputs.version }}"


This action supports 3 build scenarios:

  1. Pushing a version tag beginning with "v" (e.g. v1.2.3). The version from the tag will be used e.g. 1.2.3
  2. Pushing to a main branch. An alpha version will be generated e.g. 1.2.3-alpha.1577836800
  3. Building a pull request. An alpha version will be generated, with a shorthash suffix e.g. 1.2.3-alpha.1577836800+699a10d

Major Versions

When we're wanting to build for a different major version from the last release, we can do this using two methods:

  1. Use a version branch containing just the major version number e.g. (v1 or v7). Pushing to this branch, or opening a pull request with this branch as the "base" will use this major version.
  2. Add the label needs-release/major to a pull request. This will cause the version number to be incremented by a major increment instead of a minor increment. The major increment will be used when building the PR and when building the commit after being merged.

Note: if the needs-release/major label is used on a version branch, the label will be ignored and the version branch used.

Alpha Version Format

When building a branch or a pull-request, an alpha version will be generated with the following features:

| |  |   |       |         |
| |  |   |       |      ShortHash
| |  |   |   Timestamp
| |  | Label
| |  Patch
| Minor
  • The major, minor and patch numbers are taken from the latest release and incremented to the next minor version.
  • The alpha label.
  • Commit timestamp to order pre-releases sequentially.
  • Short hash of the commit to help identify the source where the release originated.